the train stops here...

this stop
that stop


I got ahead of schedule with this training class, if you can believe it. We managed somehow.

That leaves plenty of time for review. And more review. And more review. Four days of it almost.

The big news for me is that I will be heading home for Turkey Day this year! Home is in Bismarck, ND. I used to be a Century Patriot, a Hughes Huskie [clever moniker, eh?], a Centennial Roughrider and a Grimsrud Grizzly... It's kind of sad because my junior high [Hughes] is no more. They will never have a Huskies website.

My parents both live there and so does my sister. My sister is currently working in the Hunter's Club as a chef and more than likely we will be making the journey to the casino for our feeding frenzy.

The weather in Bismarck is generally butt cold during this time of year. I don't think that this year will be any exception. My friend is doing the driving and we both plan on smoking a bit too. Imagine trying to keep warm when it's below zero when you are constantly rolling down the windows to have a smoke. That's dedication.

So I have Bismarck on my mind. I'm very excited to see my family. So even though seeing them means that I will be far away from this land of palm trees I don't mind a bit. I'm sure that I'll get to the minding part very soon...

before & after

a bit ago
Holy Jeez! An Update - 03.09.2004
The Beginning of the Long Goodbye - 01.28.2004
The Scrooge at the Station - 12.11.2003
Bismarck and Back - 12.01.2003
Happy Friggin' Thanksgiving - 11.26.2003