the train stops here...

this stop
that stop


I know, I know... where the hell have I been?

Well, to be honest. I really haven't been anywhere lately, hence the lack of entries. This is supposed to be the diary of a traveling trainer and the closest thing to traveling I've been doing is running down to the cafeteria to glare at the taco bell menu.

Here's a tiny and indistinct announcement: One of the clients that I trained for has ceased to be... or rather it's being phased out. The client that I did all the traveling for in the first place. I really enjoyed training for this group. I'd even go so far as to say that I was good at it.

I don't know if any of the team members that I trained still bother to check here. If you do I just wanted to say that the group we worked for had been doing poorly for a long time. The work that we did together actually impacted the group quite a bit. It was just too little too late.

If you want to contact me about this, don't hesitate. If you don't want to contact me about this go ahead and hesitate.

I hope that you're doing well... because I'm bloody depressed.


before & after

a bit ago
Holy Jeez! An Update - 03.09.2004
The Beginning of the Long Goodbye - 01.28.2004
The Scrooge at the Station - 12.11.2003
Bismarck and Back - 12.01.2003
Happy Friggin' Thanksgiving - 11.26.2003