the train stops here...

this stop
that stop


I'm back in Minneapolis and I'm glad to be back.

My little buddy Chaplin was very sick when I get home this weekend. My kitty hadn't been able to urinate and toxins got into his bloodstream. After a night in ICU and a lot of crying, I had to make a decision.

On Sunday at one o' clock, Chaplin was put to sleep. I don't know if you ever met the little fellow but he was one of my best friends. I'm really going to miss him. It's only been a day and I haven't had a chance to get over the shock.

I'm glad that I was with him when he passed away. I just wish that I didn't have to be the one to decide when his time would be up.

He left behind quite a bit of fur and toys. He also left many memories. I'm glad for the time that I did have with him and I'm glad that he doesn't have to suffer.

I just wanted you to know.


before & after

a bit ago
Holy Jeez! An Update - 03.09.2004
The Beginning of the Long Goodbye - 01.28.2004
The Scrooge at the Station - 12.11.2003
Bismarck and Back - 12.01.2003
Happy Friggin' Thanksgiving - 11.26.2003