the train stops here...

this stop
that stop


We are Building the Sale today. For you laymen out there that means Sales training for our Texan reps.

I have to tell you that in my short time here I have learned a completely new language. I won't even pretend that I know the difference between y'all and all y'all. What I can tell you is that I have begun using them.

Another southern tip I've picked up is the use of Miss and Ma'am. In the past I was a big fan of being called ma'am. I know that I'm not alone on this. Here it is really a show of respect, not just a way of referring to someone. Also, if you respect someone you can call them Miss - e.g. "Miss Jones". However, if you want to keep things informal you can say Miss but use the lady's first name - e.g. "Miss Bridget" I think that's really nice.

Since arriving here I have been called the following: ma'am, miss, sugar, sug (pronounced: shoog), sweetie, honey, darlin', young lady & young miss. I'm beginning to feel like I'm competing in a beauty pageant...

The strange thing is that I like it... as long as there is no swim suit portion

Have a great weekend, y'all!

before & after

a bit ago
Holy Jeez! An Update - 03.09.2004
The Beginning of the Long Goodbye - 01.28.2004
The Scrooge at the Station - 12.11.2003
Bismarck and Back - 12.01.2003
Happy Friggin' Thanksgiving - 11.26.2003