the train stops here...

this stop
that stop


we are running out of stops here at the trainstation... it's almost time to head 'em up and move 'em out. however, not until everyone has a big old headache, it would appear.

most everyone in the class had a bit of a mind lapse today. most things were forgotten or confused over the weekend. this may have something to do with the amount of junk food consumed on friday?

tomorrow we learn about orders that go on hold and how to deal with items that come from our lovely vendors. I really don't think that the team members will be able to sleep with all of that ahead of them... I'm sure that they'll give it a shot.

before & after

a bit ago
Holy Jeez! An Update - 03.09.2004
The Beginning of the Long Goodbye - 01.28.2004
The Scrooge at the Station - 12.11.2003
Bismarck and Back - 12.01.2003
Happy Friggin' Thanksgiving - 11.26.2003